OxFSN Event
We are delighted to say that we will be attending the Oxfordshire Family Support Network “Moving into Adulthood” conference and information day on Tuesday 4th November.
Moving into adulthood
Tuesday 4th of November 2014 – 9.30am- 4.30pm
Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Rd, Oxford, OX4 4XP
Planning for the future of your young person can be stressful and daunting. Events such as this one are great ways of finding out exactly what different options there are for your child after they have turned 18, and how to navigate the difficult processes of transition. This particular event will include a conference from key speakers on issues such as the law, housing, employment, support planning and the SEND reforms which have recently come into effect.
There will also be stands attending to share information on their services for you to ask questions and do research on what may be available.
We will be there to talk to you about Home From Home Care, as well as to share our particular experiences as parents ourselves in terms of navigating transition and understanding what your rights are.
Please do take the time to come along to this event if you can. As we always say; be informed, get involved.
For more information on the event, please go to the OXFSN website.