Let our voices be heard

The Future of Social Care needs you!

As parents of a child with learning disabilities, we want to bring your attention to a matter of crucial importance to the future of social care policy that will affect options for your children.

We are members of a charity called ResCare – run by families for families – which actively campaigns on issues & legislation affecting the learning disabled. (If you are unaware of ResCare, please do have a look at their website  www.rescare.org.uk ) ResCare particularly pioneers on the need for residential provision and the importance of choice regarding future options.

They have been contacted by the Centre for Social Justice, an independent think-tank, commissioned by the government to write a report specifically on the benefits of residential care. Join us in writing a short account of your experiences of residential care, whether this is residential school or college, addressed to Alex Burghart, the Director of Policy, Alex.Burghart@centreforsocialjustice.org.uk. We urge you, as there isn’t much time, to send in your short account as soon as possible to help safeguard residential care as a future option – this report is due by the end of November(!).


Please join us on Monday 30th November for a Parent & Carer’s Information Forum


This is taking place at the Lumen Rooms, Lumen URC, 88 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RS.  Please see leaflet for more details. Alex Burghadt of the CSJ has been invited to attend this meeting.

The London Barrister will particularly speak about issues of consent and best interests in relation to the Court of Protection.


res event


Let our voices be heard!

We appreciate this is short notice, however if you are not able to attend we still urge you to support ResCare as a charity, as they alert families on key issues that affect all our young people, such as this report being commissioned by the CSJ. Please spread the word and share with other parents.


We look forward to seeing you on 30th November. Please let us know for catering purposes if you are able to come.


Very best wishes,

Paul & Ann de Savary

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