Can Autism ever be funny?

“Can disabilities and humour co-exist together? Disability is a battle against adversity, but is it allowed to be funny?” John Williams, a comedian who has a son with Autism, spoke out on BBC 4’s ‘Four Thought’ programme this Wednesday 6th May to tell some of the joyous tales of his life despite, and sometimes because […]
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Government Consultation

Care Minister Norman Lamb has launched a “No voice unheard, no right ignored” programme to stengthen the rights of people with Learning Disabilities, Autism and Mental Health Conditions. The consultation is asking for your views on a range of proposed measures, as Normal Lamb states, “Everyone must have access to the right care […]
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HFHC 10th Anniversary!

2015 marks a special anniversary for Home From Home Care, as we celebrate 10 years of making a difference to the lives of individuals with learning disabilities and complex needs. In 2005, we opened our first Home “The Old Hall” in Fiskerton, supporting 7 individuals with learning disabilities. We have now opened 5 ‘Micro Communities’ […]
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Legal Developments

Ann recently attended a Moving into Adulthood conference where she heard a very useful and interesting presentation given from a Barrister at Monckton Chambers Solicitors. He touched on some key issues and developments facing parents at the moment, such as; Children and Families Act 2014 EHC Plans Personal Budgets Local Offer Care Act 2014 Mental […]
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Deputyship Order – Legal

During the last year we have come across the term “Deputyship Order” more and more whereby parents have applied for this through the Court of Protection for more legal rights to make decisions for their young person once they have transitioned over to adult services. We wanted to take this moment to share this information […]