Rare Disease Day 2018

Today is the annual Rare Disease Day, a worldwide event to raise awareness about rare diseases and the impact they have on patient’s lives. 1 in 20 people will live with a rare disease at some point in their lives. There is no cure for the majority of rare diseases and many go undiagnosed. For […]
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Dignity Action Day

Dignity Action Day began in 2006 with the aim to inspire health and social care staff and local people, to place dignity and compassion at the heart of care services and the community. It is a national initiative led by the Dignity in Care Campaign to bring people together, ensuring individuals are given choice, control […]
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Festival of Sleep

The Festival of Sleep is a celebratory day created to remind individuals to take a rest after the chaos of the festive season. But life with a child with learning disabilities may make it difficult to get the essential sleep required for wellbeing, let alone indulgent post-Christmas naps. The importance of sleep is well known […]
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Preparing for Christmas

Whilst most families are excitedly anticipating Christmas, when you have a child with a learning disability or autism, preparing for Christmas can take more consideration and planning. What many view as enjoyable markers of the season – such bright lights, crowds, noise, visitors, celebrations and disruption to routine – when viewed from the eyes of […]
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Autism as You Age

When people think of autism they most often think of children. However, autistic children grow up to be autistic adults, and the majority of people diagnosed with autism are in fact in adulthood. The number of adults with ASD aged over 65 will be 155,000 by 2035 in the UK alone1 – resulting in an […]