Why I Fear for my Daughter

A recent article in The Spectator magazine clearly highlights some of the many worries parents fear when looking at their children’s futures within adult social care in the current climate. “Why I fear for my daughter” written by Ross Clark talks through some of the harsh realities that parents face such as budget cuts, funding […]
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Born to Be Different

Born to Be Different is a candid and unsentimental documentary filmed over nearly 10 years that chronicles the pressures and joys of family life for parents bringing up a disabled child. This programme is now airing on Channel 4 and will show insights into the world of care that will be a valuable source of information. The […]
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Stark Reality at 18

The Changes from Children’s Services to Adult Services Once somebody reaches 18 and moves into Adult Social Care things can change overnight and you need to be prepared for it. In the ideal world, there should be a transition process over from Children’s Services to Adult Services of at least a year but that tends […]
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The Transition Process

We’ve put together a 5 Step Guide to Transition to help parents navigate the process – it is posted on this site under Transition or find it by clicking on the links below. The Guide covers the types of things I discuss with parents every day – if you would like more information or to discuss […]
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Transition Step 5: What Happens Afterwards
The process after move in will differ from provider to provider but at minimum, you should expect a review meeting after the initial six week settling in period. This meeting should be to discuss your child’s progress and to agree any changes that need to be made to his or her plans. It is also your opportunity […]