Shaking Hands

I’m 59 years old, my daughter has been in one of our homes fantastically well supported for the last 5 years and yet I found myself getting up on the stage to talk to 120 parents going through the transition process and my hands were shaking. They weren’t shaking because I was nervous about talking […]
Staff Churn

A recent survey undertaken by Personnel Today reported that the staff turnover rate in the adult care sector was 19.3% and within domiciliary care it was 24.9%. Also a study by the Residential Forum into workforce issues within residential care reported that ‘staff turnover rate in the sector has improved, but still around 36% of […]
Duty of Care vs Choice

We’ve added another ‘Spotlight On’ topic: Duty of Care versus Choice. The debate is particularly relevant for those with complex needs who may not necessarily be able to compute 100% of the time what is in their best interests. Please do let us know your thoughts on this as this is a fine line we […]
Residential Care vs Supported Living

Paul de Savary’s thoughts on the current push by Local Authorities to move individuals with complex needs out of residential placements and into supported living environments. Go to the webpage But don’t just take my word for it. Hear from Steven why he thinks it is important to have a home manager ‘on the floor’. […]
Support vs Care

Simply caring for someone is not enough. Although the widely used term both in the industry and by people in general we believe ‘good care’ goes much further than simply meeting a person’s daily needs and ensuring their wellbeing. It’s the harder path to take as a provider, but it must be the future of […]