Very real concerns over report into ATUs

Paul de Savary This week Secretary of State for Health & Care, Matt Hancock announced an ‘immediate’ review, to be carried out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), into practices in Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs), including the prolonged seclusion and long-term segregation used in the ‘care’ of individuals with complex learning disabilities and autism. […]
The A Word Review

The return of the BBC drama ‘The A Word’ has been welcomed by many. The series focuses on a family who, in the first series, received a diagnosis of autism for their son, Joe, and showed the reaction of the family and community while beginning to explore the challenges of accepting the diagnosis. In the […]
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman

In our new review series, we will be looking at inspirational reading for those who live or work with anyone with autism or a learning difficulty. Our second book, Neurotribes by Steve Silberman, is an impressive and wide-reaching book, tracing the history of autism in depth and with a humanity that led him to being […]