The Transition Process

We’ve put together a 5 Step Guide to Transition to help parents navigate the process – it is posted on this site under Transition or find it by clicking on the links below. The Guide covers the types of things I discuss with parents every day – if you would like more information or to discuss […]
Transition Step 5: What Happens Afterwards
The process after move in will differ from provider to provider but at minimum, you should expect a review meeting after the initial six week settling in period. This meeting should be to discuss your child’s progress and to agree any changes that need to be made to his or her plans. It is also your opportunity […]
Transition Step 4: What Makes A Good Transition Into A Home
*note that Transition in this instance refers to an individual’s Transition into a residential placement either from school, college or home As we said in Step 2, the most important thing to ensure a smooth Transition is to get a good assessment in the first place. Second to that are the right choice of home, and then […]
Transition Step 3: Access to Funding
Placements for residential care should be funded by your Local Authority i.e. the Authority in which you live not where the placement is. If that placement is outside your Local Authority (out-of-county funding) then it is likely you will have to put together a very stong case to secure that funding. In some cases, parents have to go […]
Transition Step 2: Getting the Right Assessment
Getting the right assessment for your child is one of the most important things you can do throughout the whole Transition process. An assessment at this stage will often provide the basis of care plans, funding and access to services moving forward, particularly if your child is nearing 18 at which time they transfer into Adult […]